It is often said that the odds of being consistently profitable and succeeding in the forex market are very slim, as more than 90% of traders are bound to face failure. Here are the common reasons why this usually happens: They don’t understand key indicators, key numbers, ideal times to trade, and how the market works. Would you enter a battle without knowing how to use weapons or who your opponent is? When you place a trade, you literally go toe-to-toe against some of the biggest nerds in the industry ( BigBanks ) Many professional traders are not only super smart and Ivy League educated, they’re also rich. That doesn’t mean that you, the small guy or gal, can’t win. It just means that you simply must educate yourself and be prepared to do battle. David can beat Goliath, but only if he’s prepared. Some people might think the cost of a trading education is too high. But the cost of ignorance is way more expensive. They don’t have a tried-and-tested trading methodology with no prov...