I usually encounter a lot of questions regarding the ideal amount of capital you should put in forex trading. On one hand, I recommend risking money that you can afford to lose. On the other hand, there are plenty of risks associated with being undercapitalized. You see, once you step into live forex trading, the way you look at capitalization will never be the same. Forex trading is now a business – YOUR business. This means that you are the manager and just like in any other business, you need to have a business plan. You need to know what you’re going to do from beginning to end and how you’re going to react to any foreseen–and unforeseen–circumstances. As the saying goes, “ If you fail to plan, then you’ve already planned to fail. ” So, what’s a great way to start having that business mindset? One key business principle you need to understand is that it takes money to make money . Before jumping into live forex trading, consider what k...